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dolce vita

美 [ˈdoʊltʃeɪ ˈviːtə]英 [ˈdɒltʃeɪ ˈviːtə]
  • n.甜蜜的生活;享乐(奢华)生活;放荡,淫乱
dolce vitadolce vita
  1. Business is part of its DNA in much the same way that la dolce vita is part of Italy 's.


  2. It 's the work of a stylist at the Dolce Vita Salon in Orlando , Fla. , which Mr. Parsons first visited several years ago . '


  3. A big reason Italy has been able to live " La Dolce Vita " for as long as it has over the years has been its ability to sell debt – lots of it .


  4. Neither is his new boat , an old wooden knockabout called La Dolce Vita he picked up because he thought it would be nice " to bring my ladies out . "


  5. And whether or not you find eternal love in the Eternal City , you 're bound to get a taste of la dolce vita - and perhaps a fling with your very own Casanova .


  6. He suddenly looks a bit doleful . " The next three years won 't be la dolce vita , that 's for sure , " he says suddenly , as he considers the implications of his " perfect merger . "
